K Eason Designs
Kia Eason
Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/KEasonDesigns?ref=hdr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kialovesjewelry/ Twitter: @loves_jewelry Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kialovesjewelry Email: [email protected] |
Kia Eason is a jewelry designer and crafter in Durham, NC who enjoys researching, collecting and making jewelry of all kinds. Her love for jewelry goes back as far as Kindergarten beginning with a costume elephant necklace that was purchased for her by an older cousin. When she was 8 years old her mother took a sewing class and of course she tagged along. In order to keep the children that were brought to the class entertained they were given beads, findings and “tobacco twine” to make pieces of jewelry. To this day those necklaces made in that class remain two of her prize possessions. Her pieces include strung pearls, restringing pearls, beaded jewelry, upcycled or recycled jewelry as well as pieces that have been sawed, cut pierced and soldered, etc. She makes every unique piece of jewelry as if she was making it to add to her personal collection. Kia is one of the founding members of the Durham Craft Market. You can find her at the Durham Craft Market or on Etsy during the off season.